BC2 Assignments 14 January 2018

January 14, 2018

Latin Word of the Week: castra (CAH-strah) – encampment, military camp.  Did you know, Our Lady is compared to “an army set in array”?  It’s true!  Check out Canticle of Canticles 6:9.  Here it is in Latin —“terribilis ut castrorum acies ordinata”.  Notice the word for army, which is similar to our word?

Classwork: Today we finish Lesson 5, “The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism Book 2”


We got a little bit off topic talking about Purgatory and Limbo, and specifically “The Bosom of Abraham” and the “Limbo of the Infants”.  These teachings are related to the lesson indirectly, but as I mentioned, I got ahead of myself and misspoke.  So here is the clearest explanation and I can offer without going astray.  And please note, there is no single or universal dogmatic profession that I could find.  Instead we find many teachings of church fathers, ancient saints (such as St. Augustine), doctors of the church (such as St. Thomas Aquinas), more recent well respected scholars (such as Garrigou-Lagrange) and some popes (such as Pious IX).  The Limbo of the Innocents, or taken more generally, “Limbo” is a place of rest and natural peace, separated from God (i.e. lacks the beatific vision) for unbaptized children who have not reached the age of reason.  Baptized children who have not reached the age of reason of course go to heaven.

Homework: Review Lesson 5 (and of course always review all past Lessons).  Skim Lesson 6.