BC2 Assignments 13 May 2018

May 13, 2018

Latin Word of the Week: semper (SEHM-pehr) – always.  This is often used in mottos, such as the United States Marine Corps’ – Semper Fidelis, which means “always faithful.”  You often hear it in the Mass and in prayers, such as in the Doxology (Glory Be) “… et nunc et semper” – which literally means “and now and always,” which we say in the nicely composed English version as “is now and ever shall be.”


Notes:  This is our last learning class this “year.”  We are finishing lesson 9 today.  There is no class next week.    We have our end-of-year party on 5/27!

Classwork: We finish Lesson 9, “The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism Book 2”

Homework: Review Lesson 9 (and of course always review all past Lessons).