BC2 Assignments 29 April 2018

April 29, 2018

Latin Word of the Week: auróra (ah-ooh-ROH-rah) – dawn.  You must have heard this before in “English” — “aurora borealis”?  That just means “northern dawn” (sometimes translated together as “northern lights” but the two words taken separately literally mean norther dawn or northern sunrise)


Notes:  We have only two more learning classes this “year,” including this one.  We are starting lesson 9 today.  There is no class next week.  Our second class on lesson 9 is on 5/13.    We have our end-of-year party on 5/27!

Classwork: We start Lesson 9, “The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism Book 2”

Homework: Read Lesson 9 (and of course always review all past Lessons).