BC2 Assignments 9 September 2018


September 9, 2018

Latin Word of the Week: vita (VEE-tah) – life.  There is a common derivative of this word in English — vital!  I think it’s vital to learn Latin, do you?  Can you think of any other derivatives?  Fancy vittles?  Vivid!  It’s all for survival 🙂


Notes:  It’s our first lesson of the year!

Classwork: We pick up where we left off last year.  What, you forgot?  We ended at Lesson 9 of “The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism Book 2.”  So we continue with Lesson 10 this week.  I find it especially helpful to take a step back now and again and look at the big picture (as I tried to show above).

  • The purpose of our existence
    • to worship God
  • about God
  • creations of God
    • Man
  • the fall of Man and the promise of Redemption
    • Sin
  • The Incarnation
  • The Redemption
    • (a promise of the Advocate)
  • The Holy Ghost and Grace
  • Virtues and Gifts of the Holy Ghost
  • The Catholic Church
  • The Communion of Saints
  • The Resurrection / Life Everlasting
  • … To Be Continued …

Homework: Review Lessons 1-9 (always review all past Lessons!).  Read Lesson 10.