BC2 Assignments 18 November 2018

November 18, 2018

Latin Word of the Week: infans (EEN-fahns) – infant.  Advent is coming soon, and by the time we see each other again for Christendom Day MMXVIII, it will be the 1st Sunday of Advent.  How appropriate as we wait for Our Lord, the Infans Jesu Christi.  The derivatives we have in English that come from this word are apparent, are they not?

Notes:  We will discuss Christendom Day A.D. MMXVIII for the second half of class – it is the next time we meet!  As mentioned last week, we finished Lesson 13 in one class. We are starting Lesson 14 today.  We will go over it generally, and then not meet again for two weeks (4th Sunday no class, and Christendom Day no class).  We’ll finish Lesson 14 then; there is no way that any of you can remember what we do today unless you actively study Lesson 14 a little bit repeatedly during the next two weeks.  Please review it!

Classwork: Lesson 14 overview

Homework: Review Lesson 14 (especially review Lesson 13 and 14 during the next two weeks, and always review all past Lessons!).  Work on your Christendom Day projects, costumes, games, etc.  We will not meet again until Christendom Day!