BC2 Assignments 20 January 2019

January 20, 2019

Latin Word(s) of the Week: numquam (NOOM-kwam) – never.  You don’t often hear this one in prayer, and it doesn’t have English derivatives. It occurred to me when I said the English expression “now or never” to myself, since last week’s word was nunc, or “now.”

PS: I’m leaving the same word as last week since we didn’t have class.

Notes: Please try to head to class right after Mass so we can cover as much ground as possible!

Classwork: Since we were not able to have class last week, I hope you all read Lesson 16 at home. We will try to make up for lost time and cover Lesson 16 in class today (if there is class as planned!) Remember, the second part of the book we entered is based on the Commandments. Lesson 16 is on the 1st Commandment.

Homework: Study Lesson 16!  As always, review all past lessons.