BC2 Assignments 17 February 2019

February 17, 2019

Latin Word(s) of the Week: hebdomas (hayb-DOH-mahs) – week.  Continuning along with the time related words, this week’s word is “week,” or close to it. This word is quite old and has many meanings derived from its ancient usages related to seven days, cycles and the Sabbath. You’ll sometimes see it in the full latin Ordo, or calendar and missal that describes the fixed and rotating days and the rites that go with them throughout the year.

Notes: As you know, today is Septuagesima – 70 days before Easter. That’s when we start preparing ourselves to switch gears, and begin the penitential cycle of Lent.

Classwork: We will wrap up Lesson 18 this week. Hopefully we will get a full class time today!

Homework: Review Lessons 17 and 18! As always, review all past lessons, too.