BC2 Assignments 3 March 2019

March 3, 2019

Latin Word(s) of the Week: quinque (KWEEN-kway) – five.  Easy! And we see a lot of derivatives… quintet…quintuplets… etc. Think of the next cycle of Lent, and what that root word is.

Notes: Today is Quinquagesima – 50 days before Easter. It’s wonderful that the Church prepares us for the most Holy time of the year with this cycle of time, reminding us of the coming of the Passion of our Lord and of our own mortality with the simplest of systems — a countdown.

Classwork: My children are sick so I will not be in class today. Everyone must be so sad that the quiz is postponed, right? We finished Lesson 18, and we were scheduled to start Lesson 19 today. Our “March Madness” — where we play some board games, as we did last year — was scheduled to be next week.

In light of missing several classes already, I think it’s in our best interest as a class not to have that, and instead try to make sure we are caught up. We do have our “Spring Break” scheduled — no classes 3/17 and 3/24.

So, let’s make sure we, as responsible young men and women, are read up on Lesson 17 and 18 and ready for a quiz, and then we will still have two classes to cover Lesson 19 (3/10 and 3/31). If anyone would like to email any questions, please feel free to coordinate with your parents to do so!


Homework: Review Lessons 17 and 18! As always, review all past lessons, too.