BC2 Assignments 29 September 2019

Latin Word(s) of the Week: studere (stoo-DAY-ray) – to study. This word, like most Latin words, has many meanings. For us, we are most interested in its common meaning of “to study.” As you can see, the word “student” comes from this word. Interestingly, one of its other common meanings is “to be occupied with” – because a student is occupied with his studies. Get busy!


Classwork: We will take the Lesson 23 Quiz today, and then start Lesson 24.

Quiz days are always compressed, so please be sure to study Lesson 24 at home, as you should be all your Lessons of course! Keep thinking of Christendom Day ideas.

Homework: Write a few paragraphs — which will be for a quick oral presentation — on what you received from the Sacrament of Baptism. Think about how you were an innocent, ignorant baby. Your parents asked your godparents to stand in for you. They answered questions on your behalf. Ask them what happened, since you don’t remember! Combine that with your knowledge of Lesson 24. Tell us all what your Baptism really means for you.

Use the math! Study Lesson 24 all week and always, always — review past lessons.