BC2 Assignments 13 October 2019

Latin Word(s) of the Week: parva (PAR-vah) – small, little. I am using this word this week, because I would have liked to provide you with the Latin for quiz, however, no such word exists! The best I can do is to tell you how to say “small exam” — so today, you get the adjective “small” — parva. Next week, you get the word for exam 🙂 By the way, since we are just casually learning words — parva is the feminine and neuter adjective, parvus would be masculine. The word for test is neuter. Just mentioning.


Classwork: Today we will try do most of Lesson 25 after our awesome and fun Quiz on Lesson 24.

Homework: This week’s homework is all in the supernatural realm. There will be nothing to hand in to me, however I fully expect you all to do it. Remember, when we learn about the perfections of God, he is all-knowing. Choose one person you know who is not a Catholic, someone who has not been Baptized. You may need help from your parents to identify a specific person. Pray for that person at least once during the week. It would be better to pray for that person daily during the week. Pray that they be converted, receive their Baptism and become a Catholic. If you (and your parents) cannot think of anyone, ask God to identify one specific person in need of conversion for you.

Use the math! Read a little bit of Lesson 25 each day. Next week is a short class.