BC2 Assignments 10 November 2019

Latin Word(s) of the Week: semper fidelis (SEHM-pehr FEE-deh-lees) – Always Faithful. This is the motto of the United States Marine Corps, which celebrates its 244th birthday today. The United States is 243 years old. Yes, the USMC is older than the USA! We often see both of these words in our prayers, and derivatives in English, such as fidelity.

Bible Reading: John 6:48-59

Classwork: Today we finish Lesson 26 — more on the Holy Eucharist

Homework: Rewrite questions 350-356. It is only necessary to write the questions and the answers, and not any “extra” text. As you are writing, repeat the questions and especially answers to yourself, out loud.

Use the math! Read Lesson 26, a little bit each day. Our next class is on November 17th. We have a Quiz on Lesson 26. I hope the homework helped, and you are reading a little each day (“the math”). Let’s see an improvement on the quizzes!