BC2 Assignments 17 November 2019

Latin Word(s) of the Week: donum (DOH-noom) – gift, sacrifice. We can see derivatives of this word in English clearly. Donate, donation, etc. When we think of a gift, we should always think of a sacrifice.

Bible Reading: Malachias 1:10-11 (God accepts a pure sacrifice in the place of the Gentiles)


Classwork: Today we have a quiz on Lesson 26. Then we start Lesson 27. We will learn about the Sacrifice of the Mass — the setting for the most Holy Eucharist.

Homework: Rewrite questions 357-360. It is only necessary to write the questions and the answers, and not any “extra” text. As you are writing, repeat the questions and especially answers to yourself, out loud.

Please read Lesson 27. Try 5 minutes per day. That will be 60-70 minutes until our next class, which is on December 1st. Since we have no class next week, and the week after our next class is Christendom Day, please plan accordingly!