Update From Father (05/03/2020)

Dear Faithful, 

Dear Faithful,
As we begin this beautiful month dedicated to our Blessed Mother I ask that you continue your prayers that things may continue to return to a more normal situation. 
I am sending with this email a link for the sign ups for Masses this weekend. Before going to the sign up 

Please note the following:

  1. If you were able to attend Mass on April 26th please do not sign up until after 8:00 pm on Friday. This is to give the other parishioners who were not able to attend Mass last weekend more of a chance to do so this weekend. The sign up will not be posted online until Saturday afternoon to give Parishioners the first chance at signing up.
  2. Please do not “double dip” on Saturday and Sunday. If on Saturday at noon there are still places open then you may take them on the second day.
  3. All of the safety precautions from previous weeks remain in effect. If you are sick, or have any in your household who are sick please do not attend. There will be temperature checks, 6 foot distancing, and chapel sanitization between functions. Those who are at risk are recommended to not attend.

Also please note that on Sunday in addition to the two Masses at 7am and 9am there is a half hour slot at 10:15 am where I will hear additional confessions and distribute Holy Communion at the end of that half hour slot before driving to Sanger. This will help to provide the Sacraments to as many as possible
Here is the link for the weekend:https://signup.com/go/jdeNkMn.
I forgot to mention in the announcements that there is a new Rosary Crusade for the U.S. District going until August 15. You may find more details about it and the tally sheet for your rosaries here: https://sspx.org/en/rosary-crusade

Rosary Crusade Tally Sheet & Form – District of the USARosary Crusade Tally Sheet & Form . In response to the COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”) pandemic, Fr. Jurgen Wegner, the District Superior of the U.S. District of the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX), is launching a Rosary Crusade for relief from this affliction and for all of the souls who have been affected by it.sspx.org

You are all remembered in my prayers and daily Masses.
To Jesus through Mary,Fr. Richard Brueggemann

With my prayers,
Fr. Richard Brueggemann