BC2 Assignments 20 Dec 2020

Latin Word(s) of the Week: eternus (ay-TAYR-noos), sempiternum (saym-pe-TAYR-noom) – eternal. Both of these words mean eternal, and we see both of them in prayers.

Bible Reading: Daniel 7:10, Matthew 26:53


Classwork: We have a quiz on Lesson 4, Creation and the Angels. Our quizzes are like thermometers. If we are not studying enough, our quiz “thermometer” will show it we are cool or lukewarm. Our Lord says in Apocalypse that lukewarm souls will be rejected. If your quizzes have a lot of red, you need to study more!

“I believe in God, Father Almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth.”

The Purpose of Man’s Existence -> God and His Perfections -> The Unity and Trinity of God -> Creation and the Angels

Homework: Review all past Lessons, and begin Lesson 5