BC2 Assignments 10 Jan 2021

Latin Word(s) of the Week: annus (AH-noos) – year. Since we are now in a new year, we should know how to say “year.” Of course, we know the derivatives: annual, anniversary, etc.

Bible Reading: Genesis 1:27, Genesis 2:16-17

Classwork: Outstanding work on the the Lesson 4 Quiz!!! Very impressive. Last week I said that quizzes are like thermometers… you all are very warm Catholics! This week and next we cover Lesson 5 – Creation and the Fall of Man.

“I believe in God, Father Almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth.”

The Purpose of Man’s Existence -> God and His Perfections -> The Unity and Trinity of God -> Creation and the Angels -> Creation and the Fall of Man

Homework: As always, review all past Lessons. Put some of that Lesson 4 awesomeness into Lesson 5!