BC2 Assignments 14 Feb 2021

Latin Word(s) of the Week: cor (KOHR) – heart. Today is the feast day of St. Valentine, a third century martyr. We often think of hearts on this day – let us always think first of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Bible Reading: Ecclesiasticus 21:1-3

Classwork: We are wrapping up Lesson 7 this week; though we had no class last week, I hope everyone kept up with their readings. It’s our responsibility to learn the Faith – remember “know love and serve God.”

“I believe in God, Father Almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth.”

The Purpose of Man’s Existence -> God and His Perfections -> The Unity and Trinity of God -> Creation and the Angels -> Creation and the Fall of Man -> Actual Sin -> The Incarnation

Homework: Please take the Lesson 7 quizzes closed book when you are ready. Review our past Lessons and begin reading Lesson 8. Set aside 15 minutes every day to read the catechism.