BC2 Assignments 28 Feb 2021

Latin Word(s) of the Week: cor (KOHR) – heart. Today is the feast day of St. Valentine, a third century martyr. We often think of hearts on this day – let us always think first of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Bible Reading: Ecclesiasticus 21:1-3

Classwork: Because we have missed several classes, I would like to start “from scratch” on Lesson 7. Hopefully this will be material you already know from having read it on your own. It’s our responsibility to learn the Faith – remember “know love and serve God.”

“I believe in God, Father Almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth.”

The Purpose of Man’s Existence -> God and His Perfections -> The Unity and Trinity of God -> Creation and the Angels -> Creation and the Fall of Man -> Actual Sin -> The Incarnation

Homework: Please read Lesson 7 and review all past lessons. Set aside 15 minutes every day to read the catechism.