BC2 Assignments 25 Apr 2021

Latin Word(s) of the Week: spiritus (SPEE-ree-toos) – spirit, soul. Although this word indeed means “spirit” it also means breath, and life itself. It’s very fitting, is it not? Without breath we cannot live. Without the grace of the Holy Ghost, we do not live either. We can see the derivatives of this word (and this family of words) very clearly in English, starting with the cognate (a word that sounds the same in another language) “spirit.” And how about “respire” or “respiration” — these words which refer to our breathing come from this Latin word. Inspiration? Same word.

Bible Reading: John 15:26


Classwork: Today we will finish Lesson 9 and take our quiz. We are all obligated to continue learning and we all have much to do. No one knows all or can do all except God; none of us full of knowledge and wisdom or without imperfections. We must all be “…perfect, as also [our] Heavenly Father is perfect.” according to the words of Our Lord. (Matthew 5:48)

“…I believe in the Holy Ghost…”

The Purpose of Man’s Existence -> God and His Perfections -> The Unity and Trinity of God -> Creation and the Angels -> Creation and the Fall of Man -> Actual Sin -> The Incarnation -> The Redemption -> The Holy Ghost and Grace

Homework: Did you all set aside 15 minutes every day to read the catechism? No? If not, commit to doing so this week. Commit to doing so today. We are obligated to know God if are to love and serve Him. Start reading Lesson 10 and review all past lessons.