BC2 Assignments 8 September 2019

September 8, 2019

Latin Word(s) of the Week: cras (KRAHS) – tomorrow. As I write this, we have our first real class tomorrow!

Notes: We finished our “second year” last year and we start our “third year” this year. We cover the whole catechism book in three years. We finished at Lesson 22. We start today at Lesson 23. As I always say, review past Lessons!

It’s important to remember to study your catechism all week. As I show my class each year, the “math” works in your favor. Let’s say you don’t look at your book except on Saturday before class, for 15 minutes. That’s a total of 15 minutes of studying time. Not good.

What if you study for just 5 minutes a day, for the six days for Sunday? Now you have a total of one hour, or 30 minutes of study time, plus, it is cumulative… meaning your brain has a chance to really store that knowledge for good! So, use the math, and study a little bit each day. 10 minutes a day, is 60 minutes, etc. Use The Math!

Classwork: We will start Lesson 23 today, including (time allowing) some Bible reading.

Homework: You have a choice. For the more artistically inclined, you may make a small poster or graphic depicting a sacrament that you have received. Please show the at least form, and try to depict the grace associated with it as well. For the word worms, you may write a few paragraphs describe a sacrament that you have received. Describe the form, the matter and include the graces received.

Use the math! Study Lesson 23 all week!