BC2 Assignments 1 December 2019

Latin Word(s) of the Week: pura (PU-rah) – pure, clean. Clearly the English derivative or cognate of this word is pure. I chose this word in honor of Our Lady and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Although the Latin for Immaculate is also a cognate, pura is more common and also easier for us.

Bible Reading: Malachias 1:10-11 (God accepts a pure sacrifice in the place of the Gentiles)

Classwork: We will finish Lesson 27 on the Sacrifice of the Mass — the setting for the most Holy Eucharist. We had to rush during our last class two weeks ago. We may also not have much time this class. PLEASE continue to study Lesson 27 on your own. We won’t have class again until December 12th. Because we have to cover all of Lesson 28 that day, I don’t think we will do an in-class quiz. We may have a take home quiz instead.

Homework: Rewrite questions 361-365. It is only necessary to write the questions and the answers, and not any “extra” text. This includes the A,B etc. variants of the questions (you can skip those.) As you are writing, repeat the questions and especially answers to yourself, out loud.

Study Lesson 27. We have two weeks until our next class. Next week is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and for us, Christendom Day.