BC2 Assignments 15 December 2019

Latin Word(s) of the Week: sine (SEE-neh) – without. Very similar to the word without in other romance languages, such as “sin” in Spanish, or “sans” in French. A legal phrase has made its way into regular English usage – sine qua non – which literally means “without there is not”. It means that without this essential thing, then the larger thing doesn’t make sense or doesn’t really exist. I use it down below, check it out!

Bible Reading: Acts 2:42 (The Apostles continue the teaching on Holy Communion)

Classwork: As mentioned last class on December 1st, we are going to squeeze all of Lesson 28 in today. In is no less important than any other lesson. On the contrary, it is “Holy Communion” – quite important! Perhaps the “sine qua non” of the Mass? That’s some Latin for you, see the above!

Homework: Since you have a take home quiz, the homework will be to quickly review Lessons 27 and 28, and find time to take your combined Lesson 27 and 28 Quiz. This should be closed book – remember, these quizzes are tools to check your own progress.