BC2 Assignments 12 January 2020

Latin Word(s) of the Week: aeger, agra (EHY-jehr, EHY-grah) – sick. This word applies to our current topic, the Sacrament of Penance. This is the sacrament that heals the sick soul.

Bible Reading: St. Matthew 18:15-18

Classwork: It’s been several weeks since we’ve had class! I hope you all remembered to read your catechisms, or it’s going to be quite a readjustment to pick it up again. We start today with Lesson 29, the Sacrament of Penance.

Homework: We’ve had very good success with the copying of the questions and answers, so let us continue this practice for now until it becomes a second nature. Please copy the questions and answers for 379-382. As usual, you do not need to include any supplementary text. As you copy the answers, say them out loud. This will reinforce them in three ways – by writing, by saying, and by hearing.