BC2 Assignments 9 February 2020

Latin Word(s) of the Week: sapientia (sahp-ee-AYN-tsee-ah) – wisdom. One of the 7 Gifts of the Holy Ghost given at Confirmation. The Book of Proverbs is one of the “Wisdom Books” of the Bible, hence our Latin word today.

Bible Reading: Proverbs 28:13-14

Classwork: We are scheduled to finish Lesson 31 (we stopped at Q. 415) and begin Lesson 32 (Q. 416-427). Class may again be delayed due to (possibly) the blessing of the throats for St. Blaise. I will collect the Lesson 29 Quiz that you took home, and we will cover what we can in our short time. I hope it is clear that it is imperative to study the Catechism at home. There simply is not enough time to cover it adequately in one hour (or less!) per week during our class.

Homework: I am giving you a Lesson 30 Quiz to take home. As usual, take it closed book! We have not had much time to study in class together, so this will show you how well (or not!) you have been studying on your own. Also, please continue to do the copying and recitation of the questions and answers for homework. We are covering Q. 416-427. Copy the questions and answers, say them out loud. This reinforces the knowledge in three ways – by writing, by saying, and by hearing.