BC2 Assignments 29 March 2020

Latin Word(s) of the Week: domus (DOH-moos) – home. Many people are home more than usual. Perhaps this is one of the many ways Our Lord will bring good out of something evil (remember sickness and death are the consequences of sin). This word has many derivatives in English, domestic, domicile, etc.

Bible Reading: St. Mark 6:12-13

Classwork: Well it is certainly interesting times we live in! Our class has moved online for now. If you did not receive an invite, please let me know.

Remember the arc of our study recently — that is, the “big picture” — We looked broadly at the Mass, Penance, and Punishment. So we know that our Lord made a sacrifice which is represented in Mass, and he continues to offer himself at every altar around the world. But how does that happen? And Our Lord extends mercy to those who ask for it in Penance, but what about those who cannot go because they are in danger of death? That’s what we will be learning about in Lesson 34 — Extreme Unction and Holy Orders.

Homework: Study Lesson 34! Many of you are home more than usual, and/or have your parents home more than usual. Use your time well!