BC2 Assignments 19 April 2020

Latin Word(s) of the Week: domus (DOH-moos) – home. You can think of English derivatives, such as domestic, domicile, etc.

Bible Reading: St. Matthew 19:3-8

Classwork: We will continue with our online class. If you did not receive an invite, please let me know.

We finished Lesson 34. You know that usually means QUIZ!!! In this case, I’ve added a fun alternative, which is why the class is a little longer today. Please ask your parents for help if needed – we’ll be using Kahoot — you don’t need an account. I will provide a pin when the quiz starts. If you and your parents want practice using Kahoot, try my old Christendom Day Quiz! You can also invite your parents to take the “quiz” with us — they should be on their own computer/device. See if you can beat them!

We start Lesson 35 on Matrimony after the quiz, but I don’t know how much ground we’ll cover. As usual, but even more so in these days, we need to diligently study our faith! Please read the catechism a little each day.

Quick Reminder about this class: If you look at the schedule, we only have 4 more classes which included a party at the end on 5/31. This lesson, and each one until we finish the book will only be done in one class (instead of the usual two).

Homework: Study Lesson 35! Many of you are home more than usual, and/or have your parents home more than usual. Use your time well!