Update from Father (05-15-2020)

Dear Faithful,

I hope you are all well!
This weekend remains very similar as far as numbers go and so below is the sign up for Masses for this week. Please do not “double dip” on Saturday and Sunday until Saturday afternoon. If there are spots available on Saturday after noon on Saturday than you may take them if you have Sunday slot. I also ask that if you were able to come to Mass on May 10, that you wait for a few hours before signing up for Sunday Mass (you may sign up for Saturday) so that those who were unable to get to Mass last Sunday may have the opportunity to sign up this Sunday.We may prearrange seating in order to maximize the seating capacity of the Chapel, so if an usher asks you to sit in a specific seat please follow their instructions.Also the same precautions of not coming if you or someone in your household is sick even slightly. and also not coming if you have been exposed to the Coronavirus in the last 14 days.We will still have the non contact thermometer temperature checks, distance requirements, and sanitization procedures this week. 

Here is the sign up for Our Lady of Mt. Carmel: https://signup.com/go/MChKpVw
Please continue to be generous toward the Rosary Crusade.

You are in my prayers.
In Jesus and Mary,Fr. Brueggemann