Update from Father (05-31-2020)

Dear Faithful,

This coming Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, the second greatest feast of the liturgical year, after Easter. Pentecost Sunday is the birthday of Mother Church, and the day on which the Gospel began to be preached to the nations. The events of that day are contemplated in the third Glorious mystery of the Rosary.
We will be having Mass on Saturday at 5:00 pm. and two Masses on Sunday, one at 7am and one at 9am.
With the greater numbers in attendance you may sign up on Saturday and Sunday. 
The sign up for the Masses is here:https://signup.com/go/iCgZqad
May Our Blessed Mother prepare us to receive the grace of the Holy Ghost as she prepared the Apostles on these days between the Ascension and Pentecost.

In Jesus and Mary,Fr. Richard Brueggemann

You are in my prayers.
In Jesus and Mary,Fr. Brueggemann