BC2 Assignments 31 Jan 2021

Latin Word(s) of the Week: septuaginta (sehp-too-ah-JEEN-tah) – seventy. Today is septuagesima, 70 days before Lent.

Bible Reading: Ecclesiasticus 21:1-3

Classwork: Those of you who made class last week took home the Lesson 5 Quiz. We started Lesson 6 in class by going over sin, the types and the definitions. Lesson 6 is fairly large and has a lot of additional reading, images to look at. Remember to set aside a time each day to study the catechism!

“I believe in God, Father Almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth.”

The Purpose of Man’s Existence -> God and His Perfections -> The Unity and Trinity of God -> Creation and the Angels -> Creation and the Fall of Man -> Actual Sin

Homework: As always, review all past Lessons. Read Lesson 6 a little bit each day – there is a lot of material there!