BC2 Assignments 11 Apr 2021
Latin Word(s) of the Week: vivus (VEE-voos) – alive. Christ, through His own Divine Power, arose from the dead on Easter morning. The root of this word, vita and various derivatives of these two words are found throughout English. Vital, vivarium, vivasection, vitamin, etc.
Bible Reading: John 20:17
Classwork: I hope everyone is having a fruitful Eastertide and enjoyed their “spring break.” Hopefully, everyone continued to ready the catechism daily… no? Well now is the perfect time to get back into the habit!
Today we will do a review of Lessons 1-8. We’ll again look at the big picture, re-cover the broad topics from these Lessons, and have an oral quiz to make sure everyone stays on their toes.
“…and in Jesus Christ…Who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell; on the third day, He rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and the dead…”
Homework: Please read Lesson 9 and review all past lessons. Set aside 15 minutes every day to read the catechism! 15 minutes a day = nearly two hours a week. This is a minimum amount of time. We are obligated to know God if are to love and serve Him.