BC2 Assignments 07 January 2018

January 7, 2018

Latin Word of the Week: mulier (moo-lee-EHR): woman, wife.  (Other interesting words… for woman, virago, used in Genesis 2:23, and wife, uxor, used in Genesis 2:25)

Classwork: Today we start Lesson 5, “The New Saint Joseph Baltimore Catechism Book 2” up to, and including part B, “The Fall.”


Optional Question 51A is, in my opinion, incorrect.  Optional questions are not part of the “official” catechism and need not be learned.  However, the curious may read it.  In the 10th century, Pope Zachary condemned similar statements by a priest who speculated that there was intelligent life on other worlds.  (Pope Zachary, Epistola 11)

Regarding Question 54 and the extemporaneous note that the fruit was not a real fruit, according to Father Haydock’s commentary, the fruit was “good to eat” meaning of course, it is a real fruit.

Homework: Review Lesson 5 (and of course always review all past Lessons)