
Children’s Catechism Classes

Sign up for Children’s Catechism

Catechism (2024-2025) Master schedule (Calendar version)

Our classes are divided based on the age of the child and the book they will study. It is not based on Sacraments received (or not received). Exceptions can be made; contact catechism [at] for more information.

Classes generally meet every Sunday except the 2nd Sunday, after 09:30 Mass. The class will start approximately 15 minutes after Mass is out. If you would like your child(ren) to eat, please do so before or after class; we do not allow food in the classroom.

The book for the class is normally available in the bookstore; if not, they can usually be obtained from Seton Books or other sources. If you cannot afford a book, email catechism [at] to make arrangements.

  • Pre-Catechism, for 5-6 year olds
  • St. Joseph’s First Communion Preparation, for children turning 7 by Spring
  • St. Joseph’s Baltimore Catechism Book 1, for children 8-9 years old
  • St. Joseph’s Baltimore Catechism Book 2, for children 10-12 years old
  • Baltimore Catechism III (Seton Press), for children 13+, boys and girls classes

Convert Catechism

For those converting to the Catholic faith, there is a mentor program. If you are interested, please contact catechism [at] for more information.